Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Sonogram 12/27/2010

On 12/27/2010, Tom and I went to the doctor for another sonogram.  Everything went well! The baby has grown so much in the last 11 days! The baby is now 1" long from crown to rump! Getting big! We also got to see the baby MOVE!!!!!!! I wasn't crying, but I did have a few tears fall down my face when I saw that! It will be a moment I remember for the rest of my life! I am glad my husband was there to see that as well! The baby's heartbeat was at 167 beats per minute.  The doctor says everything is looking good and my next appointment is not until Jan 19th. That seems like for ever and a day away! We will have 1 more sonogram at that appointment, and then they will start doing them once per month.  With all these sonogram pictures, I guess I better learn how to make some cute photo books or something!

Saturday, December 18, 2010


The next day after the 3rd sono, I woke up to get ready for work and realized I was....ummmm....sick. Great...just what I needed.  I went to work anyway and tried to stick it out, but at about 1pm I started vomiting. I thought it might just be morning, noon, and night sickness, but I just had too many symptoms that didn't fit in with morning sickness. I ended up going home and slept the rest of the day! But it was not a very restful sleep. I was up every hour or so to go to the bathroom.  I did call Deb to see what I should do. She told me if at all possible, not to take anything.  She said if I took something, it would slow it down, but the sickness would stay in my system much longer.  She said it sounded as if I had the flu.  She said there is a 24 hour bug going around. So I took Tylenol to break my fever and kill my headache and went back to sleep. When I woke up the next morning, I was feeling better, but still exhaused.

3rd Sono

On 12/16/2010, we had our 3rd sono! And this time, MY HUBBY GOT TO GO WITH!!!!  My appointment was supposed to be at 7:30 in the morning, but we didn't make it there till almost 8:30.  The roads were so crappy from the snow storm, and you always have the people who are scared to drive in the snow that make things worse.  It was amazing to see our little jelly bean again! They have grown soooo much since last thursday! This time we were able to see the head, the eye, the butt (the tail is almost gone!), the heart (beating away at 148 beats per minute), and the umbilical cord!  It was amazing!

Deb said she needed to speak with Dr. Gratkins because it looks likes I could possibly have a "heart" shaped uterus.  Which means I would be at a much greater risk of pre-term labor.  She said the uterus will think it's much fuller than it really is and start contractions way too soon.  When I had my surgery in September, Dr. Gratkins did a scope of my uterus and did not note anything unusual about it. Deb said it could just be the way the muscles lay on the outside of the uterus that is making it look that way.  Needless to say, Deb is on top of it and I'm not going to worry! 

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Tomorrow (12/16/2010)

IT'S ALMOST HERE!!!!  Tomorrow is the day my hubby gets to see the baby for the first time! I'm so excited I'm about to burst!  We have to be at the doctor's office at 7:30am (ugh!) and just our luck...it's supposed to snow like crazy tonight.  We are going to have to leave extra early I guess.  I would be in tears if we missed our appointment!

Another milestone for tomorrow....I'm 8 weeks preggo! I thought time would drag on and on since I've been been counting the weeks AND the days.  So far, time seems to fly.  I'm sure time will slow down sooner or later.

Maybe someday I'll be able to figure out how to post photos on here so everyone else can see our little jelly bean also!

I will keep you posted on tomorrows doctor appointment!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Second Sono!

On 12/09/2010, I had to go back for a second sonogram.  My doctor had me come back 1 week after the first since we were not able to see/hear the heartbeat on 12/02/2010.  My hubby was still not able to go with me (because of work), so Ruth went with me again.  This time, WE HEARD THE HEARTBEAT!!!!  It was the most amazing sound ever! And to make it even more interesting, we could see it pumping away on the screen!  The heartbeat was beating at 127 beats per minute.  The doctor said for the start of week 7 that the heart rate should be between 110 and 130.  So it sounds like our little Jelly Bean is progressing at a pretty good rate!

On 12/16/2010, Tom gets to go with me for another songoram!  It will be EXTRA special to see our baby together!  Thursday just can't get here fast enough!!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Our 1st sono :-)

On 12/2/2010, I went for our 1st (of many I'm sure) sonograms! It was super exciting, but I was really nervous! I was just hoping everything looked good.  Tom could not go with me because of work :-(  I didn't want to have to go by myself, so I asked Tom's mom, Ruth, to go with. And I bet you can guess what she said!!! She was happy to go!

Once we got into the sonogram room, it all went pretty fast. Once she got the picture on the computer, she turned the screen so we could see. AND WHAT DID WE SEE?????? Just a little ball!  She said it was the "yolk sack" and it looked like the baby was JUST starting to come out of it.  She said according to the measurments of the sack, I measured 6 weeks and 1 day.  I was 1 day a head since I was 6 weeks along that day.

We were hoping we would be able to hear the heart beat, but the songoram tech said we were a tad to early.....bummer! But I get to go back on 12/9/2010 and we should be able to hear the heart then.

Still not really feeling pregnant. No morning sickness (as of yet) which is a blessing!  I'm a huge baby when I get sick and would probably be crying for my mother!!!  I have been SUPER tired still. I feel like I don't get anything done around here, because all I want to do is sleep!  From everything I've read, this stage won't last forever! Lets pray the 1st trimester goes fast!

I've been moved to the office at the PD.  I am thankful for the accomidations they've made for me and my little family!  It means a lot that they are understanding and not stressing me out!

Promise to keep everyone posted! Until next time....cheers :-)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

My second blood draw

Deb Gromley (my doctor) said she wanted a second blood draw done at 48 hrs after my first lab was done.  She said they would fax the info to the hospital.  Tom and I arrived at the hospital at about 12:15 am, only to find out they could not find the order from my doctor. ARE YOU KIDDING ME????  Lucky for us, the hospital was willing to work with us and said they would draw the blood anyway and get the order mix up fixed in the morning.  Deb said it was important to have the blood draw at approximately the same time 48 hrs later so she could see how well my HCG was increasing.  She said it should at least be 66 by then. 

After the order mix up was finally resolved, Deb finally called again!  She said she had good news!!!! My HCG was already at 80! That sure put me in a good mood!

Deb also wanted to set up our 1st sono!!!!!!!!!  We are going on 12/2/2010 to have that done! Deb said we should see a "little Jelly Bean" and we should be able to hear the heart beating by then! I cannot imagine how exciting that is going to be! That day just cannot get her fast enough!

We know people don't usually announce they are pregnant the day they find out, but we were just so excited we could not keep the secret! I think we've told everyone by now! Heck, we should probably just post it in the newspaper just to be sure!! LOL!  We know there are a million things that could happen this early in the game, so we hope our friends and family will keep us in their prayers. 

So far, pregnancy has been kind to me. The only symptom I'm feeling is tiredness.  I swear I would sleep all day if I could!  I know this is just the start of this emotional ride, and I'm sure more symptoms will show themselves sooner or later.

We are pregnant!!!!!!!!!!

Well, on 11/16/2010, I had to go for a blood draw to see if I was pregnant or not. I went to the ER to have the blood draw done and was expecting the results to be the same as they have been for the 1 1/2 years....negative.  Much to my surprise it came back positive! WHAT?!?! Are you sure that was my blood?!?! I was so excited...and scared all at the same time! I called Tom up right away and gave him the good news! Maybe...just maybe it's our turn to be parents! Keep your fingers crossed!!!