Monday, May 23, 2011


Lauren's baby shower was held on 05/22/2011!  I wanted to thank everyone who helped set up/take down, and everyone who helped us celebrate!!!!  I hope everyone had as good of a time as I did!  Thank you to everyone for everything you gave us!  We are sure to put it to good use!  And I CAN'T WAIT to play dress up and try on all her cute little outfits!!! 

A special thank you to Laura Lanoue!!  All of your hard work was very much appreciated!   

Friday, May 20, 2011

The journey gets bumpy...

On 05/19/2011, we had a doctors appointment at 10:00am.  They first hooked me up to the NST (non stress test).  They left me on that for a little over an hour.  During that hour, I had to drink orange juice because they were not seeing the results they wanted to see.  They then put us in an exam room.  Deb finally made it in, and explained the test.  She said she was not seeing the results she wished to see on the NST, so she wanted to do a sonogram.  We had to come back at 1pm for that.

At the sonogram, we had the tech that I'm not particularly fawned of.  She said Lauren technically passed the test, but she was still not super active liked they had hoped to see.  I asked if they could tell if her cord was wrapped around her neck or not on the sonogram.  She said they usually can't tell.  She then changed something on the sonogram machine, which showed red and blue on the screen.  She watched that for several minutes.  After she was done with that, she said she needed to go speak with Deb.  She left us sitting in the sonogram room.  At that time, I knew she must have seen something she didn't like on the sonogram.  When she came back, she said she was going to put us in an exam room until Deb could speak with us.  As we walked past Deb's office, she said she would be right in, once she called and spoke to Dr. Gratkins about something. 

Deb finally came in and began to explain the situation. She said the ultrasound tech believed the umbilical cord was too short.  She stated that she also believed the cord was not going into Lauren's belly properly.  She said the cord should go straight into her belly, but it appears that it might be going in at a slight angle.  Obviously that is something they will have to watch super close, because it could start to have a negative impact on her. 

We are looking forward to the next bridge that we have to cross. Looking forward to 34 weeks.  The next 4 weeks will be spend walking on pins and needles. It's sure going to seem like 1 long month. 

So to sum it all up, I will now be going to the doctor 2 times a week. They will be doing the NST every week and a sonogram every week. I have to pay close attention to her movements, and if I don't feel her for 3-4 hours, try to wake her with orange juice or a rattle.  If neither work, I'm to call Deb ASAP anytime of the day. (Which is making me feel super pressured to not make a mistake.) I'm hoping to keep our little girl all snuggled up in the womb for at least 6-8 more weeks, but I'll take 4 if I have to. 

Just remember to keep us in your prayers please :-)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

29 week check up

On 05/12/2011, I went for my weekly check up. I was nervous since the 2 week check up was so crummy. But much to our surprise, all was good news this week! Lauren is 3 lbs 2 oz. We got to watch her practicing her breathing on the sonogram, her heart beat is doing great, and we got a GREAT photo of her face! I know I'm a tad biased, but she is BEAUTIFUL!!!!! She did finally move head down, but there is still plenty of time for that to change. Deb says all we can do is hope she likes that position for now! 
As for me, my blood pressure was down back to my "normal." My fluid level had dropped from 23.5 to 22 (which they like to see it at 20, so I'm getting closer!) My belly measured in at 30.5 weeks (about a week and a half a head of schedule), and I only gained .4 lbs last week. (Lauren gained .3 so really, I only gained .1!!)  Deb was super pleased with that since I gained too much too fast last month. 

They hooked me up to the Non Stress Test (NST) for about 30 minutes.  Lauren was really sleepy, so they had to wake her up!  They eventually succeeded and saw the readings they were hoping to see!  I'm having no contractions yet (Thank God!!!)

She said all and all, Lauren is looking happy as a clam in there!

I passed!!!!!

Well, I found out that I passed my 3 hour gestational diabetes test!  Yippeee!!!!  I was 99% sure I was going to fail it.  I'm very happy I don't have this to worry about now!  Deb said as long as I keep from eating sweet foods all day everyday, I should be out of the "danger zone" for gestational diabetes. 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

I flunked....

Well, I found out on 05/04/2011, that I "flunked" my 1 hour gestational diabetes test :-(  Which came as no great surprise.  I figured I probably would.  To pass the test, my blood sugar had to be under 130 and my test result was 149.  So, I have to go on 05/09/2011 for the 3 hour test.  The extra amniotic fluid issue could be caused from gestational diabetes, so maybe that is an explanation.  Only time will tell.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Change of plans.....

Well, just when you think pregnancy is going great, it changes in a flash.  On 05/01/2011 I noticed Lauren wasn't as active as usual.  I kept busy on Sunday, so I really didn't think a whole lot about it.  On 5/2/2011, I started thinking about it some more, so I tried to wake her by leaning on my belly (which she normally HATES!).  I still didn't feel a lot, so I decided to call Deb.  I had to leave a message, but she called me back within 5 minutes (1 of the many reason I love Deb so much!).  She suggested we come in to see her that day, instead of waiting for our appointment on Thursday.  I was worried everyone would think I was making something out of nothing, but I'm glad I called. 

We first had a sonogram.  It was so great so see her again!  She's grown soooo much!  According to her measurements, she weighed 2lbs 13oz.  Which they say is the average size of a baby at 28 weeks 4 days.  So she was about 1 week ahead on growth.  I was very surprised to see her growth jump like that since I have the bicornuate uterus.  They suspected she would start to fall behind on growth.  She was being VERY stubborn and wouldn't take her arms away from her face so we could get a good photo!  Although the tech was very patient and kept trying!  We did however manage to capture her frowning!  I love that picture!  She looks just like her mom in that one!!

After the sonogram, we met with Deb.  She was full of "not so good news."  My blood pressure was higher than it had been (131/70).  But there were so many factors that could have influenced that.  I had the gestational diabetes test done, so I had gotten stuck with a very painful needle about 5 minutes before they took my blood pressure.  They also said the stuff I had to drink for that test, could have made my blood pressure go up.  I should know on 05/04/2011 if I have to go in for the 3 hour blood test.  If I fail that then I guess I do have gestational diabetes.   

I also have too much amniotic fluid.  I was at 23.5 and the highest level they like to see is 25.  This makes me really worried. (Talk about making the blood pressure jump!)  They said sometimes they never figure out why some people have this issue, but it sometimes can be linked to gestational diabetes.  YIKES!!  Deb also said I have more swelling in my fingers/ankles than she would like to see at 28 weeks.  ***sigh*** 

Deb said she would prefer I only work 1/2 days now, but I begged her not to do that just yet.  She said she would only allow me to work if I PROMISED I would be on the couch with my feet up if I was not at work.  It sounds like bed rest is likely to happen, it just a matter of when.

Lauren is still lying in the "transverse position."  Which Deb found strange.  She said it's not hurting her, but she is surprised Lauren is comfortable in that position.  She said if she doesn't turn by 36 weeks, they can try and turn her, but that doesn't always work.  But from the sounds of it, it's most likely going to be a C-section anyway.  I am somewhat disappointed about that, but the only thing that matters is having a healthy baby. 

Deb also said I can't have pizza anymore :-(  WHAT ON EARTH AM I GOING TO EAT?!?!?!?!  Chicken, chicken, and...more chicken.  I am probably going to hate chicken by the time our daughter is born!  I have to go on a strict diet of "extra healthy" foods. 

Up until now, everything had been going so well!  How do we get so much bad news all at one time?!?! I am just lucky to have the love and support of my wonderful husband and both of our families! 
  I will post some sonogram photos soon (probably later today).