Monday, April 25, 2011

Oh back is aching!!!

So as I'm walking around...almost 27 weeks pregnant, I wonder to on earth do women do this pregnancy thing more than 1 time?!?!?!?  Today I'm 26 weeks and 4 days along and my back is KILLING ME!!!  And with me having 94 days till Lauren's due date, I'm 100% positive this back ache will not go away until after I give birth! 

My ankles are starting to swell some if I spend to much time on my feet.  That's a good excuse to get out of grocery shopping :-)

Anyway...that's enough complaining!  After trying to get pregnant for 1 1/2 years, I'll take a back ache from a bulging baby belly anyday :-)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Wow...that was CrAzY!!

Lauren is getting MUCH stronger these days!  She's kicking and punching hard enough that her daddy and I could watch her move my belly last night!!  What a huge milestone! 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

1 day shy of 26 weeks :-)

Well, we've almost made it to 26 weeks!  Every week along, means 1 more week closer to meeting our daughter!!!  WE CANNOT WAIT!!  Today, we've officially entered the double digit countdown till Lauren's due date!  99 days!  Lets hope she makes a timely appearance! 

Daddy got to feel a really hard kick this last Saturday!  You should have seen his face!  He was shocked at how hard she kicked his hand!  He was so excited to feel the 1st "big" kick! 

                                                                    25 weeks & 4 days

I'm really starting to feel pregnant these days!  My back kills me if I do too much.  Grocery shopping was a dreaded deed before I was pregnant and EVEN MORE dreaded now!  I feel as if I've been beaten by the time we are done walking around the store...then I've got to get everything put away!  Thank God my husband is wonderful help! 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Doctor's Visit 4/7/2011

We finally got to meet the midwife, Jolene Hamann!  She was very nice!  I'm still not totally cured of my fear, but I'm sure the more I see her the better it will be.  It's just kind of scary when I've had Deb for so long.  I can ask Deb anything under the sun, some of which, would be embarrassing to ask someone else! Deb said she had to choose between infertility and midwifery, because she didn't have enough time to do both.  So although Deb can't deliver Lauren, we have her to thank for giving us the opportunity to be parents :-)

Jolene said everything is looking good.  Lauren appears to be growing at the appropriate pace.  I measured in at the correct week and I've only gained 7 lbs this entire far!!  I'm sure that is about to change!  We got to listen to Lauren's heartbeat with the doppler.  At first it sounded kind of strange, but Jolene said we were listening to the umbilical cord.  Then she moved the doppler and found her heartbeat!  It was at 145 beats per minute.  We could also hear her kicking around!  It was so much fun to hear our little girl! 

My next appointment is on 5/5/2011.  This appointment is jammed packed with tons of things!  I'll be 28 weeks so that is when they will do the gestational diabetes test.  Then I'll have another sonogram....I CAN"T WAIT!!!!  And after that, we will see Jolene again.  I'm sure by then, I'll have tons of other questions for Jolene to answer! 

Lauren is defiantly getting more muscle tone!  She is kicking and punching away these days!  I love it when her daddy can feel her!  Of course the most powerful kicks, I never have his hand in the right spot!  It probably won't be long till these punches and kicks start to get a little uncomfortable! 

It's amazing how we've never met this little angel face to face, but we love her more than words can describe!  I can't wait till we can hold and kiss her!