Monday, June 27, 2011


Went to the baby doctor today....and I'm finally coming to terms with the fact that I'm going to be pregnant FOREVER!!!!!  My belly is still measuring at  38 weeks (so maybe I've finally reached the maximum my belly can stretch!).  Deb claims my strech marks will not explode (even though they sure feel like it!) We have a "pow wow" with Dr. Gratkins this Thursday to see about possibly inducing (Dear God...please let that be the case!) 

Lauren did well during her sonogram.  She weighed in at 6 lbs 15 oz.  That still puts her about 1 week a head.  She looks soooo cramped up in my womb!  Poor little girl!  She just needs to decide to come out! 

So, the name of the game is.......................WAIT...WAIT...AND MORE WAITING....  I'm getting so impatient!!!

Friday, June 24, 2011


As you can imagine, since I'm on bed rest now, I'm having to go back to the doctor 2 times a week.  So we saw Deb again yesterday.  She was pleased that my blood pressure had come down some, although it is still high.  She said the swelling in my feet and face had gone down substantially, but the swelling in my hands had not. She says that will probably not go away until after the baby is born. 

We had an NST done yesterday, and to every one's surprise.....she failed!  So we had to go for a sonogram again.  She does great when she gets her picture taken!  I guess she just hates the NST.  During the sonogram, Sara (the tech) said she weighed in at 6 lbs 8 oz.  Which means she gained 6 oz in 3 days :-)  The cord is no longer around her neck (thank God!) and she looks to be doing great in there! 

Deb did decide to check me this time.  And I know it's not a huge accomplishment, but it's hard to not get excited!  She said I was dilated to 1 and 50% effaced!  I know you can be like that for a while, but at least it wasn't 0's!  She said Lauren was at a -2 station.  So she has not dropped down into the birth canal yet, but she's getting closer!  I forgot to ask how often she will check that, but I'm assuming once a week. 

Deb promised on 06/30/2011 that we would have a "pow wow" with Dr. Gratkins to discuss the amniocentesis that she had spoken about at our previous appointment.  If he decides to do it, they will plan for it to be done on 07/05/2011.  So, I hope that we can still have that done and it shows that her lungs are developed!  Then, they will probably send us over to the hospital to have our baby! 

Doctors appointment on 06/20/2011

Well, I've managed to dodge the bullet up until 06/20/2011!  Today Deb finally said we didn't have any option, but to put me on bed rest.  The swelling in my hands, face, and feet were getting to be too much.  That, on top of my high blood pressure was making Deb nervous.  I hated to hear that, but to make things a little better, she was thinking that I'd probably only carry for about another 10 days or so!  She said if we made it to 36 weeks, they would probably do an amniocenteses at around 36-36 1/2 weeks to see if Lauren's lungs were developed enough to be born.  If they were, then they would probably induce me because of all the swelling and high blood pressure.  She said it would only take a few hours to get the results back, so we would know that day.  If the blood pressure and swelling keeps getting worse, they may end up having to take her before then, even if her lungs are not ready.  We will pray for the best!

We had a sono that day and Lauren weighed in at 6 lbs 2 oz!  She's getting so big!  It's hard to believe that something that big can be inside my belly!  Although I was only 34 weeks and 4 days, my belly measured at 38 weeks.  OMG! It can only grow so big!  I have to be about there! 

Friday, June 10, 2011

33 weeks 1 day

Well, this morning was interesting.  For the 1st time ever, I felt 5 practice contractions.  The 1st one was by far the biggest one.  It was so intense that my belly had a HUGE bulge on the left side, but kind of odd because it didn't hurt.  It was just uncomfortable.  Kinda freaked me out for a minute!  Good thing my hubby was there! I ended up having 3 between 5:45a and 6:45a and 2 more from 6:45a-7:45a.  Since then, I haven't had any.  I'm supposed to call the doctor if I have more than 4 in one hour.  I said leave it to me....I saw both the doctor and the nurse practitioner yesterday....why couldn't this have happened then?!?!?!?!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

33 week check up

On 06/09/2011, we went for our 33 week check up.  Lauren is doing great!!  The ultrasound tech said she weighs about 4 lbs 4 oz now :-)  She is right on par! 

Mom is doing well also!  Since 06/06/2011, I've been having to take my blood sugar two times a day.  All my numbers have been good.  I have to take my blood sugar two times a day for another week and after that, she will decide if I can go to every other day or not.  Blood pressure was good (even thought I don't know how that could be with the way the day started out!). 

1 MORE WEEK until I'm out of the woods for being flown to Peoria if they cannot stop labor!  Keep your fingers crossed! I HATE helicopters! 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A lot has changed!

Well, I see it's been a while since I last posted on our blog!  Things have changed some since my last postings.  As far as Lauren goes, she is doing great!  At our last sonogram on 06/02/2011, she weighed 4 lbs 4 oz.  The sonogram tech said it looks as if she is going to have a full head of hair when she is born :-)  Since they 1st thought they might have seen an issue with the cord, they have checked it every time since.  Nobody else has seen the issue the one tech thought she had seen.  So....if everything goes well at our sonogram tomorrow, I may be able to start going back to the doctor only 1 time a week!!!!!  Yeah!!!! 

On 06/06/2011, Lauren passed her NST test for the 1st time!  I was stoked about that!  My blood pressure was good and all looked well.  However, I do have to start to monitor my blood sugar for a while.  For the past 3 doctor's appointments, I've "spilled sugar."  So, I have to keep a close eye on it.  So far all my numbers have turned out good.  We will see what Deb has to say about them tomorrow. 

As of my last doctors appointment, I was 32 weeks and 4 days pregnant.  My belly was measured at 36 weeks!  YIKES!  Deb says she has no doubt that my belly will reach 40 weeks, however she says I'll deliver early.  How early, she cannot guess, but as long as we make it into July, they will not try and stop labor when it starts!  That means our little girl will  be here soon!!!!!!  Her daddy and I cannot wait to meet her!!