Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A lot has changed!

Well, I see it's been a while since I last posted on our blog!  Things have changed some since my last postings.  As far as Lauren goes, she is doing great!  At our last sonogram on 06/02/2011, she weighed 4 lbs 4 oz.  The sonogram tech said it looks as if she is going to have a full head of hair when she is born :-)  Since they 1st thought they might have seen an issue with the cord, they have checked it every time since.  Nobody else has seen the issue the one tech thought she had seen.  So....if everything goes well at our sonogram tomorrow, I may be able to start going back to the doctor only 1 time a week!!!!!  Yeah!!!! 

On 06/06/2011, Lauren passed her NST test for the 1st time!  I was stoked about that!  My blood pressure was good and all looked well.  However, I do have to start to monitor my blood sugar for a while.  For the past 3 doctor's appointments, I've "spilled sugar."  So, I have to keep a close eye on it.  So far all my numbers have turned out good.  We will see what Deb has to say about them tomorrow. 

As of my last doctors appointment, I was 32 weeks and 4 days pregnant.  My belly was measured at 36 weeks!  YIKES!  Deb says she has no doubt that my belly will reach 40 weeks, however she says I'll deliver early.  How early, she cannot guess, but as long as we make it into July, they will not try and stop labor when it starts!  That means our little girl will  be here soon!!!!!!  Her daddy and I cannot wait to meet her!! 

1 comment:

  1. Grandma and Grandpa Hull can't wait to meet her also.
